概要 / Overview
VRoidStudio, Photoshopを使用してVRoidキャラクター・衣装を作成いたします。
○VRoidキャラクター - 約2~4週間
○VRoid衣装のみ - 約1~3週間
○キャラクター - 約2週間~
○武器・小物 - 約2日~
■VRoid character / costume creation
Creating Character and/or Costume using VRoidStudio and Photoshop.
Also available 'VRoid plus extra model' which cannot be created in VRoidStudio, as creating additional parts and accessories using 3D software ( Maya etc.) and Unity.
■3D model creation
Creating characters, weapons, accessories, etc. using 3D software (Maya, ZBrush etc.) and Painting software (Photoshop, SubstancePainter etc. ).
The production period is as follows. (It may be different depending on the concept design, specifications and current schedule.)
○VRoid character - Approx. 2-4 weeks
○VRoid costume only - Approx. 1 to 3 weeks
○Character - Approx. 2 weeks ~
○Weapons and accessories - Approx. 2 days ~
The created model can be used for commercial use regardless of whether it is an individual or a corporation.
Accepting requests according to your budget. And outsourcing contracts are available.
Please feel free to Contact me.
ご依頼・制作の流れ / Request and production flow
1. お問合せ・ご相談
2. 詳細・仕様確認
3. デザインの作成・確認
○3面図もしくは正面背面あり - モデル制作に入ります。
○正面画のみ - 背面のデザインのラフ制作・確認後モデル制作に入ります。
4. モデル制作
5. チェック・修正
6. 納品・動作確認
7. お支払い
1. Inquiries / consultations
Please contact me by form, email, DM with ' what you want to do, your budget ', or any questions. Simple description is fine.
2. Details and specification confirmation
Confirming on the following using e-mail and/or messenger.
○Delivery date
○Contents of the product (details of the design, etc.), usage, specifications, frequency of checks, data format
○Whether the achievement can be published or not (web page, pdf portfolio etc.).
Issuing a quotation (and order form if necessary).
When you have a contract, purchase order, etc., please prepare them at this point.
With your consent, accept the order.
3. Design creation / confirmation
●Bring your own design
○Three-view drawing / front and back drawing- Starting model creation immediately.
○Front image only - Creating rough design of the back. After approval, starting model creation.
* If you wish to have a complicated design on the back, the additional cost is charged.
●Creating from concept design
Please prepare reference of your desired concept design such as..
'Reference images and photos of 3D model style, costume images, character's height, personality settings, etc.'
The more references you have, the more it will help me create your desired design. I appreciate your cooperation.
Once the concept design is approved, starting the creation.
4. 3D model creation
If necessary, providing the data in progress.
5. Check / adjustment
After completion, providing the capture image or actual data for your check.
If there are some parts you would like me to correct, the data are adjusted.
To avoid troubles, let us arrange the number of adjustments in advance at the time accepting the order.
6. Delivery / operational check
Delivering the data according to the specified data format.
Please check the delivered data to confirm there is any problem.
7. Payment
Issuing an invoice.
Closing a transaction paying by bank transfer or PayPal by the due date.
Please contact me if you would like other payment methods.
参考価格/ Reference price

* デザインの複雑さ・難易度、ポリゴン数によって価格が変動いたします。
* 表はあくまで参考価格となります。詳細はお問合せください。
* Prices will vary depending on the complexity and difficulty of the design and the polygon counts.
* The table is for reference only. Please contact me for more details.